Sunday, June 27, 2010

This time they turned me into a newt...I got better

Hiya now I don't have time to do a post today so here's a fanfic I made hope you enjoy!!!

*authors note, this is my very first fanfic, and I'm more of drawer than a writer, so constructive criticism would be appreciated*

Chapter 1: Last Midnight Tear

The sun was setting in The Hidden Leaf Village casting shadows over the entire village. There was only so many minutes of sunlight left, half of the sky had even gone dark and a few stars had begun to shine. There was going to be a full moon though so it might be exceptionally bright out if there weren't too many clouds. Hinata was panting heavily and she was sweating and exhausted but determined to keep training till she collapsed, so she focused her chakara. She was in one of the villages forests' and she was in this little area with tall, bright red flowers, trees surrounding the area.

Focus, She thought. She felt a burst of energy and activated her byakugan.

"Eight Trigrams, Protective 64 Palms!" She cried. She spun in place and started to cut the flowers at a precise level, eyes closed (though that did not matter with her byakugan activated) she heard the distinct slitch, slitch, slitch as she cut the flowers in the quiet night. She stopped and then spun around and open her eyes. She saw someone, about 10 yards away and she took an offensive pose.

"Who's there?" Hinata shouted, piercing the air.

"Good eyes," came a firm, but feminine voice "I was hoping I could do a surprise attack in the night but no avail with your byakugan activated eh?" she approached Hinata and she was about 2 yards away. Hinata deactivated her byakugan to preserve chakara but maintained her stance.
"Who are you?" Hinata said, she was worried this person said she had the intention of attacking her and she was low on chakara, she had been training for a few hours now.

"Oh, ehem, forgive me how rude, my name is Akane," She glanced around at the red flowers "appropriate name eh?" (Akane means brilliant red in japanese) she took a step towards Hinata. Hinata finally got a good look at her since she stepped into the moonlight. She had striking blue hair and calm green eyes, a decent sized chest, thin, but clearly muscular arms, and good legs. She was wearing a small necklace with a symbol that said water, a short sleeved dark purple shirt with a weird symbol on it, a black skirt, and a armband with the Village Hidden in the Sand symbol. Her shoes were sneaker like and good for combat. Most of the would be bare skin on her arm was covered with pouches clearly loaded with kunai, shuriken, and other ninja tools.

However Hinata only had an instance to observe all this because just a fractionth of a second after she said stepped towards her she whipped a shuriken at her. Hinata dodged it at the last second.

"Pleased to meet you." Akane said, grinning madly.

"What are you doing?" Hinata said fearfully.

"Getting my revenge!" Akane said angrily.

Akane charged at her with a kunai Hinata spun in place. Hinata activated her byakugan and took a stance.

"Gentle Fi--"
"Oh no you don't!!!" Akane spat out. She cut made a deep cut in Hinata thighs but sill made her cry out in pain, regardless she stayed focused. She found it in her strength to ignore the serious wound. She charged at Akane, who had her back to Hinata and pulled back to strike her. Akane spun out of the way just in time and stood in the perfect spot to strike Hinata in her head, however Hinata dodged it and instead got nicked on the shoulder blades.

"How did you..?" Hinata asked, gripping her shoulder. Akane grinned and in the shadows ran her fingers through her hair.

"You really don't see it?" She had to step into the moonlight again for Hinata to notice it, she gasped in surprise. Her veins were popped out just like with a byakugan.

*END of chapter one. I do have a few things planned for this story Akane will get her own back story (here's a tease the Uchiha clan will also get involved) and unique fighting style and there will be a (hopefully if my writing skills improve and whatnot) epic battle.*

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